Thursday, February 25, 2010

My friend Courtney came to visit at the Olympics and we went to see Women's bobsledding. The Canadians won gold and silver and the US won bronze. We were on TV, as you can see in the photo. We also walked around Whistler Village and saw the big Olympic rings, sat in a boblsed, ate dinner at the Elephant and the Castle and watched the people.
During the boblsed race there were some pretty bad crashes. In one of the crashes, the German sled flipped over and one of the girls flew out of the sled. She was okay, but a little sore. The Russian sled flipped too, but nobody came out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last Day of Biathlon Racing

These are the pins that I've bought, traded and have had given to me over the time that I've been here. I don't have a favorite one, I like them all.

My cousin Haley raced her last Biathlon event yesterday, on Tuesday (2/23) It was a relay where 4 woman raced 6km each and had shot two rounds. One round of shooting they were standing and one round prone. The Russian team won and the crowd went wild.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympic Hockey Norway vs Switzerland

Hi, here is a picture of me at the hockey game on Sunday at Canada Hockey Place in downtown Vancouver. I am standing above the entry to the stadium. The two teams playing were Switzerland and Norway. The final score was 5 to 4, Switzerland won in overtime!

One of the Norwegian players made a hatrick which is when one player on the team scores three goals. Then fans threw their hats onto the ice.
Today I skied at Whistler and a kid from Florida broke his leg. My dad, brother and I helped him.

Friday, February 19, 2010

This has been a very busy week and it's the first time I've had a chance to write anything. The first day we got to the Olympics on Saturday, Feb. 13th, my cousin, Haley Johnson, was racing in the Biathlon. All of us put on tatoos, red, white and blue t-shirts with Haley's name, carried American flags and had cowbells. Haley's mom and brother and sister are staying with us at our Olympic house in Squamish, BC. That makes it fun because we always know what Haley's doing.